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Short Films


About LuvLeighAn

the Writer and Director
The person
The Filmmaker

Projects in Pre-Production



Filming between January and May 2023


This is a short script that I based on Stephen King's short story "The Graduation" from his Baby Dollar deals.


High school graduation, brings new options to the rich kicks. Including the towny girl. OR at least that is what Buddy's family is hoping. 


But Buddy is in LOVE with Janice, a smart girl from the wrong side of the tracks. 


Janice knows she belongs on Buddy's side of the track and she will not let anything stand in her way of getting the jobs and life she wants. Not even his family.


But there is one thing that sees everyone as equal. and it will take out everyone the same way. Neither Jancie nor Buddy will have a future, NO ONE WILL.


Looking For People To Interview


I will cover all jobs by the end but right now I am doing Movies and Music


I will end up doing every job in every career out there, so minorities and low-income people will know the jobs they can get, and know, how to get them. Dreaming past the fast food on the corner or military just to get out of a bad environment.


When I aged out of foster care I did not know a lot of these jobs were there or that females could get them. And even though I will never be able to do these jobs, I want to leave a list for others. 


Knowledge is power. And knowing you can aspire for more than a fast-food job, department store, or the military just to leave your small town or bad neighborhood is needed. I hope this project is that flicker to start those dreams for people.  


Thank you for your time and consideration in helping me with my film project. 



Hoping to Film between January - May 2023


Final Dawn is a revenge film that will require 2 generators, a honey wagon (bathroom), and at least one trailer for eating and base camp. 90% of the short is filmed in the woods. 


In addition, I will need a flatbed to put an SUV on and car-mounted cameras. Drone cameras, and lots of lights for outdoor filming at night. 

there are several locations that will be hard to find and film, including woods, and an abandoned gas station that looks like it could still be in use.


There are a LOT of special effects that I need help planning and making happen at a high quality for very little money.


Three females set off for a road trip to a concert in the desert. 


But the mood goes downhill when a fourth joins them because one of the females could not use her vehicle. 


Somehow she is everyone's friend while being the bully of the group. 


But how far can she take that bullying before someone pushes back? But when you dishout revenge in the name of the Gods, who is teh one that gets punished.

Looking for help - money for Production and Post 

and Crew

Sarah's Choice is the shorter version of my first feature "Lilly"


Both are about the right to die. We put animals down just for having a broken bone. But force humans to suffer through treatments that we know will not cure them. 


While racking up the bills for their loved ones to pay after they finally do die a very slow painful death. 


Sarah expected to have a long happy life with her husband Doug. But cancer has other plains. Finally, Sarah has had enough. No medical treatment is or will help her, it is just helping cancer killer her slowly and very painfully. So she enlists the help of her husband to end her life. what we call the humane way out; if she were an animal. 

- editing - I need specialized editing of background


- sound editing - There are major sound issues

                       I was told it can be fixed,
                                 but need a great sound editor

- music

- movie poster

- opening and end credits

Looking for help - money for Production and Post

- Cast

- Crew including a GREAT DP


A woman goes to a therapist in hopes of overcoming a lifetime of bad relationships so she will one day feel worthy of love and not just a damaged person that no guy would ever want.


This script was inspired by Smith and Myers song Bad at Love.


- sound editing

- music

- movie poster

- opening and end credits




Filming between January and May 2023


Stolen Dreams started off as a dream and a wish of mine. And was going to be a feature film. Someone told me to wait on writing the feature and only write the short and make it to a film to get interested in the project then write the feature when someone buys it. 


That was half right and half wrong advice. 

I should have written the feature anyways (have not), but yes I should film the short.


And that is what I am trying to do. This will take a lot of planning and money as it has more locations and a lot of special effects as well as trying to get an A-List actor (Keanu Reeves) involved, or get his blessing to get a look-alike. 


We dream so vividly, like watching a movie and like a TV show we can pick up that dream the next time we go to sleep, to finish the story. 


LoveLee is a film writer, but she is never happy with what she writes, she can never get the words to be as great at the events playing out in her mind. 


Brent creates a way for her dreams to project into reality, making her the best one-person filmmaker. The media is loving it. Hollywood hates it, as they lose jobs. 


But with all good intentions, there is someone that will find a way to make it evil. And friends, you thought you had turn out, to only want the money you can make with your dreams, even if it kills you. And the new recruits. 


Words are beautiful and start the wheels turning, but visuals bring in the money.


Projects in Post-Production

Looking for help - money for Post


- sound editing

- music

- movie poster

- opening and end credits

Looking for help - money for Post


- sound editing

- music

- movie poster

- opening and end credits

        Birthday Cake    

Looking for help - money for Post


- sound editing

- music

- movie poster

- opening and end credits



For Post Production

- editing

- sound editing

- music



Murder in the Wings

This was a 48 Hour film project that I worked on in Atlanta GA.
I will never do a 48HR Film Project again. I knew the DP and asked him to do those with me. But at the same time, he was also asked to join the director and writer. 
So he pulled me into this group. I wish I had said no. 
The director was from theatre ad had never worked in any type of film set, and lacked a basic understanding. 
I had wanted to be the Writer / Director. 
Director as taken, and they had a Writer.
I was told he and I would write it together. This came after the four of us sat around pitching ideas n what we would do and how to include what the hidden items are (48 HR Projects have special things you have to do, to try and stop people from filming in advance - it does not always work, but they try). 
They liked my idea. 
So the guy and I went to a coffee shop to write. I suggested we sit together and write while discussing it. 
He said no and that I would write the ending and he would write the beginning. 
He wrote the whole thing! Based on my story idea - outline. 
He never even looked at what I wrote. 
I tried my best not to be butt-hurt about this. 
We started filming - and shit just hit the fan - because as I said the director did not know what she was doing, and because I a who I am, I stepped up and (even after arguing with her about the best use of the schedule) helped her do the directing. (many cast and crew members thanked me in private but would not say this publicly - I never understand why people do this). 
But taking on the role of basically the 'real' set producer by making sure every department was running on time and had what they needed. While being the one to bump heads with the director to keep the project on track and finished - is what made me understand why a Professor at my film school said I should become a Producer. 

The more and more I have to do these types of jobs on shorts, brings me closer and closer to being a better Producer - but I need to find someone good to train-under. As well as learn how to hide my Autism better - so I do not lose jobs. 

Familiar Strangers 

This was my second film project in film school. 

I was the only crew member. 
And I broke every rule the school had
- no car chase 
- no guns
- no knives
The female was a theatre actor (and had issues with understanding starting at the same point every time and not looking at the camera, but she was willing to go all out on the stabbing scene) and the older male was a film actor (up to the actual stabbing scene, he was good to go then he freaked out and would not do it the way we practiced - and yes the actress had layer after layer of protection and the real knife would not have stabbed her. If I had the raw footage still, I would recut it to make it look better - I also did my own editing. I have learned a lot since then). The middle aged male was just a friend at the time, with no acting experience - he was on active duty army.


Los Angeles City College - Film Department - 2011

The Proposal

This the first version of The Proposal I did in Film School 2011.


I had professional Actors.

My DP was a first-timer, and I had one Sound Guy plus myself on set.


I lost all the footage except this.

The actress has a scene - but she changed the look of the scene, for her reel.

She never gave me a copy of that scene when I asked.

She also helped me edit it, that is why she had the footage to play with and change. 


I redid the project in 2022 and it is in post as of 2023


Both times this project was filmed with the help of Los Angeles City College - Film Department.

Killer Husband

This was my first film school project. 


I was the only crew member.

And my actors had never acted before. They were people I knew from the military world.


Some of the filming was done in a military BH house 


Los Angeles City College - Film Department - 2011

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