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                                          I am trying to sell items to raise money to do my shorts and




LuvLeighAn Clark started Goddess Production for film school back in 2010. All student

projects were required to have a production company name.


Today (2019) she is producing her shorts, documentaries. While writing her TV shows 

and features films. LuvLeighAn also writes books, poems, and paints.


Please see the links above for each of them. 


Goddess Productions picks productions that make people think or see a new way to improve our world without judgment. 


LuvLeighAn Clark is a disabled, multiracial female that was raised in foster care.


To learn more about her please see her personal website.


One day I hope the following will come to pass. But as of right now, I am trying to figure out how to make my company legal and to get funding for the items i need for filming.


Goddess Productions is an independent film company that will be a not-for-profit (with or without the legal logo). Any money made over the cost of production will be turned around and put into the next production, or (when up and running) will be spent on the Orphanage ran by Goddess Foundation, the parent group of Goddess Productions. (when they are up and running)

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Articles Written By

The teacher edited my story and used the term Foster Youth because people find it more acceptable to use.




It is NOT to those of us that were raised in foster care


Foster Youth are those that are still in foster care


Foster Kids are those of us that aged out


We stay foster kids no matter what, we do not grow out of being a Foster kid. No matter how your sensibility disagrees with the word. 

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